Jan Andersen
Head of Research Office at the Faculty of Social Science, University of Southern DenmarkHe was Head of the NUAS (The Nordic Association of University Administrators) WG for Research Administrators and Board Member and co-founder of DARMA – Danish Association for Research Managers and Administrators. He was elected as Chairman of EARMA – European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (2010-2013), and was a Board member until 2018. He was Chair of the COST BESTPRAC Targeted Network (2013-2018) gathering 680 participants from 41 countries. He is the co-author of “Research Management – Europe and beyond”.

Michele Genovese
Former civil servant for the European Parliament (1981-1992) and for the EU Commission (1993-2012)Since retirement, he has been cooperated closely with APRE (Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea) Italy. He is a member of steering committees or advisory committees of several EU funded projects. He is a European consultant for the Chinese Big Data Company Forwork, and Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the asbl International Joint Initiatives.

Edwin Kanters
Grant Adviser at Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamFrom framework 4 onwards he has been in European projects first as a scientist later more and more in administration also working as a manager in education. Combining the two from August 2016 onward he works as grant advisor (implementation/life cycle management) at the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam training project managers and coordinators and others skills in research administration.

Marta Agostinho
Coordinator of EU-LIFEAs Coordinator of EU-LIFE, an alliance of European research institutes in the life sciences, Marta Agostinho oversees the implementation of the strategy of the alliance and leads the science policy area. She is also expert evaluator in H2020 and has over 10 years’ experience in knowledge mediation in international settings and 10 years’ experience of research in life sciences. Her fields of action include science policy, strategic science management and communication, outreach and public dialogue with science; and training.

Simon Kerridge
Director of Research Services at the University of Kent (UK)He leads the research office at University of Kent where he is responsible for all aspects of the research support. He has a passion for research management and administration and leads the INORMS (International Network of Research Management Societies) RAAAP (Research Administration as a Profession) Task Force that is collecting longitudinal data about the profession. He is an EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators) Board member and was previously on the ARMA (Association of Research Managers and Administrators, UK) Board for 15 years. He has presented and trained widely on many aspects of RMA around the world. He is an adjunct lecturer on the Johns Hopkins University international masters’ program in Research Administration, and an editor of the Journal of Research Management and Administration.

Susana Moreira
Coordinator of the Science and Innovation Office at CIIMARSusana Moreira coordinates the Science and Innovation Office at CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (University of Porto, Portugal), being responsible for the pre-award grant managing service and implementation of activities related with knowledge transfer and valorisation. She has fifteen years of experience linked to marine related research and innovation management under regional, national and European funding schemes. She has been a member of PIC (Platform of Professionals at the Interface of Science) since 2016, currently serving in the coordination group.

Birgit Ditgens
Head of unit Cooperation with European Countries - Bilateral and Regional Cooperation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)Through her work at the University of Bonn, several project management agencies and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, she has many years of experience in European and international cooperation. Since 2009 she has been working for the project executing agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). From 2013 to 2015, she was seconded to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as a temporary staff member.