The Universidade NOVA de Lisboa has concluded the second foRMAtion Intellectual Output (IO2) ‘International curriculum for future Research Managers and Administrators (RMA)’, in collaboration with the Corvinus University of Budapest.

The developed university course is two semesters long and contains 24 lessons organised into four modules, focused on: (i) research methods and design; (ii) research funding, policy and governance; (iii) project integration and management, and (iv) research impact and public engagement. Through the detailed content of all lessons, IO2 aims to provide students with general knowledge on the operation of the EU Research and Innovation Ecosystem and an overview of RMA work at large.

IO2 already incorporates existing good practices and effective methods in the field of RMA education; but simultaneously it deploys a new, innovative and hitherto non-existent curriculum, which can be relevant and interesting for students at partner universities and beyond. The material is being developed in conjunction with the foRMAtion teaching material (IO3) to integrate a problem-based learning approach that combines knowledge, skills, attitudes, and the right balance between autonomy and responsibility in the context of an RMA’s main tasks and roles.

The curriculum is designed to be implemented by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The university course – targeting bachelor students without previous experience in RMA – will be launched in the Spring semester, 2021.

The curriculum will first be piloted by teachers from partner HEIs in online training sessions between 16-20 November, 2020. The event will enable participating teachers and professors to familiarise themselves with the course in order to exploit its full potential. Student and teacher feedback will also be collected and incorporated after the first teaching pilot.

The pre-final version of the curriculum is available here.