Local stakeholders in Romania were invited by the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania to learn about the foRMAtion project and its significance for the RMA profession.

After several attempts and redesigns due to the Covid-19 situation, the public stakeholder event was held at Cluj-Napoca, on November 11, 2022 at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. Entitled Professionalism in Research Management and Administration, the public stakeholder event was open for representatives of HEIs, of research institutions, of decision makers from local and national level, and of organizations companies and organizations dealing with grant application writing and project management.

The goal of this half-day event was to introduce the results of the project to the parties interested in the research projects, and to outline for them the possibility of how they can be part of the implementation of the project in the future.

Beside the presentations concerning different topics of the foRMAtion project (overview of the project, foRMAtion curriculum and teaching methodology, teachers’ and students’ experiences), the results of a recent research were presented, which assessed who is the responsible person for the preparation, tendering, implementation, management and dissemination of the results of research projects taking place within the framework of Romanian universities and research institutes.

The foRMAtion: Innovative and smart module FOr potential Research Managers and Administrators in higher education project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union.