The foRMAtion project held its final event in Brussels on 30 November 2022. More than 70 people showed up in person and approximately 300 people followed the online streaming, including policy makers, RMA experts and representatives of higher education institutions. All project results were showcased, including the final report, the Guide & impact assessment for educating and training RMAs at HEIs backed by policy recommendations. As side-events, two specific trainings were offered to teachers and mentors interested in the uptake of the project’s innovative educational and mentoring methodology. The final stakeholder event of foRMAtion focused on “The Future of Research Management Training in Higher Education: Insights from foRMAtion’s teaching and mentoring experience to professionalize research management”. The event was hosted by the APRE Liaison Office in Brussels on the premises of Regione Lazio. The excellent event location allowed the participants to gaze on the buildings of the European Commission during coffee breaks. The list of speakers was nothing less impressive than the view. Welcome and keynote addresses Andrea Ciaffi, Director of Regione Lazio opened the event and welcomed the participants. Mattia Ceracchi, Director of the APRE Liaison Office in Brussels continued the welcome speeches and presented the research support portfolio of APRE, the Agency for the Promotion of European Research, the host organisation (see presentation). Gábor Balás, Managing Director of HÉTFA Research Institute, the coordinator of the foRMAtion project, talked about past and present initiatives of HÉTFA to advance the RMA profession at regional and international levels (see presentation). Stijn Delauré, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, R&I Actors and Research Careers unit, delivered his keynote speech about the European Research Area’s Policy Agenda and particularly Action 17, which concentrates on enhancing the strategic capacity of research performing organisations (RPO) and research managers. His speech generated great interest among the audience and received many questions during the Q&A sessions (see presentation). How can the foRMAtion project outputs help the RMA community? Virág Zsár, Senior Grant Advisor and coordinator of the foRMAtion project, and Judit Fekete, Senior Project Manager from HÉTFA Research Institute introduced the speakers and moderated the event. The morning session focused on the presentation of the outputs of the project. Virág Zsár outlined the overall goals, main objectives, activities and unique selling points of the project (see presentation), while partners introduced the project results they have been responsible for along with the achievements and experiences during the testing of the outputs.

  • Nicola Soloperto from APRE introduced the guide gathering various methodologies and good practices in the field of training RMAs (see presentation).
  • Cristina Oliveira from the NOVA University of Lisbon presented the development of the international curriculum, awarded with the international Blended learning award, along with the piloting of the two-semester courses at the 3 partner universities (see presentation).
  • Éva Kőváriné Ignáth and Lídia Vinczéné Fekete from Corvinus University of Budapest described the process of building the teaching methodology and teachers’ guide in support of the international curriculum (see presentation)
  • After the lunch break, Krisztina Kovács from HÉTFA Research Institute outlined the foRMAtion Mentorship Programme and the experiences of the pilot testing with students (see presentation).
  • Loredana Marmora from ISINNOVA promoted the foRMAtion online modules and the self-development tool. These allow any student or early career RMA to study online about the profession and to earn a free certificate in Research Management and Administration. If you pass the threshold at the online test, you can get your certificate! (see presentation).
  • Virág Zsár presented the outcomes of measuring the impact of the project results and related project activities, lessons learned and good practices. She also presented the policy recommendations to RPOs and higher education institutions necessary to improve RMA training opportunities and to research funding organizations and policy-makers for better recognition of the RMA profession (see presentation).

foRMAtion Alliances – enhancing research management education in a European context As a highlight of the event, important stakeholders joined the roundtable discussion and shared their thoughts about the most pressing issues around RMA training and professionalisation. The roundtable guests were Nik Claesen, Managing Director at EARMA, Birgit Ditgens, Advisory Board Member of foRMAtion, Head of Unit Cooperation with European Countries – Bilateral and Regional Cooperation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Marta Agostinho, Advisory Board Member of foRMAtion and Executive Director of EU-LIFE, Sergiu Porcescu, Consultant on strategic partnerships at the Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Moldova. Although the foRMAtion project is coming to its end, the cooperation isn’t! You can join the foRMAtion Educational Module Alliance and the Mentorship Alliance and become part of a unique RMA community (see presentation about the Alliances). To get support and access to training events and online gatherings, feel free to contact us at — Link to all presentations here Event recording here Agenda Photo gallery